Post 9/11 days and natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina have made most people in America stop and say a prayer. Books like The Prayer of Jabez, by Bruce Wilkenson, The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren and the first-time author Joel Osteen's Live Your Best Life have toppled the prestigious New York Times best-seller lists and have paved the way for more Christian books.
Christian information is at its peak and there is a great revival sweeping the land. In the African American community especially, where the spiritual heritage is deeply rooted in the culture, there are more gospel artists, plays, movies, television programs, radio ministries, magazines and books than any other time in history.
The African American Christian community has produced some of the largest churches - noting that it is not church as usual - it is MEGA. National ministry leaders such as Bishop T.D. Jakes and Juanita Bynum have also become best-selling authors in the AACM (African American Christian market) opening the door for many more to come behind them.
Ministry Marketing Solutions, Inc. (MMS) was the vision of Pam Perry, of Detroit, because of her desire to market the message to the masses through the media. What message? "The Gospel of Jesus Christ," says Perry. "The first two letters of the word gospel is G-O and that's what I have been called to do. To go to the media to tell the story of Christian authors."
Perry's public relations and advertising career spans over two decades. The first ten years she spent working in ad agencies and secular media. The last ten she has dedicated to ministry marketing. Her first ministry job was with The Salvation Army as P.R. Director.
"Although I grew up Christian, my commitment to God really changed after I starting reading Christian books and was exposed more to Christian media. It was like an explosion in my soul and my purpose was clear," says Perry.
"I fell in love with Jesus all over again - and it changed my life. Starting Ministry Marketing Solutions is one way I can dedicate all my gifts and talents back to God. It was destiny how God used all my past experiences for such a time as this."
Perry believes that most people are "just one book away from their breakthrough." That is why she is so passionate about Christian books and helping African American Christian authors. As president and founder of the American Christian Writers Detroit chapter, Perry mentors others through the publishing process.
"Everyone has a testimony if they're a Christian - just being saved should make them excited enough to want to tell somebody. The Bible says we overcome by the word of our testimony and our community is filled with overcomers with powerful stories. It's our mandate to tell somebody - writing it down is key."
Perry says being in business and keeping a Christian focus takes a lot of faith and patience. "When I first started out, people thought I was crazy. I walked away from my job and started with nothing. All I had was a vision. I took the leap of faith by getting out of the boat. I call this my 'water walking' experience and I just keep my eyes on Jesus. It's humbling and so awesome at the same time. I am amazed at how God can use me."
Since Ministry Marketing Solutions started five years ago with no clients - they have now worked with the Christian divisions of top publishers like Random House and Time Warner. The agency has a roster of the most well known AACM authors in the industry such as Bishop Paul Morton, Bishop Thomas Weeks, Dr. Patricia Bailey, Terri McFaddin and former CNN anchor Andria Hall.
MMS also has some "home grown" success stories like Kim Brooks author of He's Fine...But is He Saved? and Ken Brown, From Welfare to Faring Well. Both are first-time Detroit authors who have been featured in the Detroit News and on national radio programs.
"It's not about the fame in the name for me," says Perry. "It's all about the message and how passionate the author is about changing lives. I can get an author all the press they want but God looks at me to see if His message is the one that is getting the glory. Keeping that philosophy is key and I think that is what makes our company a success."
Dr. Gail M. Hayes is a much sought-after conference speaker and author. She has appeared on QVC, Christian Television Network, Total Christian Television and the Sky Angel Network. She is a former police officer and consultant to U.S. military. Her latest book is Daughters of the King (Walk Worthy Press, 2005). She lives in Durham, NC with her husband and two children.