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Saturday, October 20, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. in Hartford, Connecticut, Author & Inspirational Speaker, Stanice Anderson, performs Walkin' On Water When the Ground Ain't Enuf, an interactive out-of-the-box one-woman experience with stories of life's challenges and triumphs, music, poetry, laced with humor to inspire and uplift the spirit. It's about a journey to amazing faith. Presented by Zanijah Cultural's owner, Monica Carr, at the Charter Oak Cultural Center, 21 Charter Oak Ave, Hartford, CT. There will be light refreshments and live entertainment by Joe Nerney during pre-reception. Tickets $20. Contact Monica Carr, [email protected] or 1-866-827-7306. Visit the event's webpage
for audio and video clips. For info on how you can book the show, contact Stanice's son, Mike Tucker at 202-487-6453 or email [email protected] . Stanice is author of two published books including, I Say A Prayer For Me: One Woman's Life of Faith and Triumph, published by Walk Worthy Press/Warner Books
This is what audiences are saying:
"Bravo, bravo, I loved the show. Stanice had me falling down laughing, crying, and stomping my feet. I was very energized, excited, and left eager for more. " --Karen L.B. Evans, President & Founder, Black Women Playwrights Group
"What I liked best was Ms. Anderson’s ability to relate to the audience with everyday issues and some of the silent conversations we have with ourselves. She was honest and beautiful. She made me feel like I could tear down those barriers and be FREE. Camille Butler, Graduate Student