• Matthew 11:28-30, The Message
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December 31, 2005


Heather Diane Tipton

Haven't gotten a word... Hmmm... LOL God uses 2x4s with me, doesn't give me words. I'll have to ask Him about that. LOL

Praying for a very blessed and prosperous 2006 for you and your family! I've been so blessed by your friendship!


ooooooo...I love your new word! May God fill you with Wisdom and teach you how to be "wise"...and keep you witty (and laughing) at the same time....lol!

I have so enjoyed visiting your site, and can't wait to get to read more over the new year!

Blessings to you!!


This is my first time ever asking God for a word for the year. I've read about it on your blog, as well as Camy's and Robin's. Yesterday, the word COURAGE started ringing in me.

Courage...I'm not quite sure what that means for this upcoming year, although, as soon as I wrote that, God started reminding me of some of the things He's shared with me in the last couple of months.

Katy Raymond

I love this discussion! After a couple years in a row in which the word was apparently "tooth-hanging," (hanging by my teeth, and even that by the grace of God), I'd be thrilled if God grants me "mercy" or "restoration" for 2006.

No matter what, though, joy is a choice, and I hereby choose it! Rejoice in the Lord always, even during the tooth-hanging years. :)

Happy New Year, Mary and all...


My word for this year has to be DISCIPLINE. There are so many things that should be, and can be done if we discipline ourselves.


CHAMPION - the verb.


I thought I'd surf around some ACFW member sites and when I read this post today, the word MORE came to mind. I'm excited to see what God brings more of this year. :)

Amy Wallace

I'm a little late on getting my ideas written out, but my word for the year from the Lord was...


My favorite phrase that encapsulates this lesson I'm learning is, "The chief end of man is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever."

Thanks for posting this idea of asking God for a word. He's used it in a big way in my life.

Much love!

Heather Diane Tipton

I'm behind on your blog... sheesh, I've been gone from home like 9 of the last 18 days. Yes, I know I already commented on this post but wanted to say God gave me a word this weekend... LOL YOu have to read my blog to see it.

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