• Matthew 11:28-30, The Message
    "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me... Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace."


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  • Word Praize
    Blogs of multicultural Christian authors about faith, life and literature.
  • TL Hines
    Author of WAKING LAZARUS
  • Stanice Anderson
    Stanice is a dynamic author and speaker on addiction and recovery, not to mention a preacher in the first degree. Her blog and books reverberate with power. She updates a few times a month.
  • Robin Lee Hatcher
    Robin shares about faith, fiction, politics, Bible study and all sorts of cool stuff. This was one of the first blogs I ever read.
  • Claudia Mair Burney
    A great author and great friend. Known throughout the blogosphere for her moving posts. Author of MURDER, MAYHEM AND A FINE MAN (Navpress, July 2006)
  • Bonnie Bruno
    With beautiful photos and poetic prose, children's author Bonnie Bruno shows God's grace with every post.
  • Lisa Samson
    Lisa is one of my favorite writers...and people. On her blog and in her books, she asks questions that don't always have answers. And she's funny. She updates all the time.
  • Angela Benson
    Christy finalist and author of THE AMEN SISTERS
  • Xenia Ruiz
    Blog of author Xenia Ruiz, author of CHOOSE ME
  • Faithchick
    Blog of several authors of Christian chick lit. Faith, fiction and fun!
  • Cheri Paris Edwards
    Author of PLENTY GOOD ROOM


  • Dr. Harold/Marriage Rocks
    Dr. Harold is a Sandy Cove alumni and a great resource for marriage and family.
  • Victoria
    Victoria has a nice library community where she shares thoughts on faith, writing and life.
  • Danica
    Cool blog about writing, life, That Man and other funny things
  • Linda Fulkerson
    Linda has an inviting blog about faith, fiction, family and other fun stuff.
  • Paul Dawn
    Paul is a kind and Christ-centered blogger who has been around here for a while. He's always got a smile!
  • GenaRay
    Poet, mom, hurrican survivor and the Queen of Crochet!
  • Paula M
    Homeschooling mom and writer. Great heart for God.
  • Patricia W
    IT professional, pastor's wife, mom and aspiring author
  • Kim "Butta"
    Takes on hip hop, celebrities, award shows and other things that make you go hmmm...
  • Jasai
    She runs one of the best mama blogs on the net. A great writer in her own right as well.
  • Angie Poole
    I met Angie at ACFW 2004 during the pig calling contest. We've been laughing ever since.
  • Bernadette
    Bernadette is married to the...ahem...professor who introduced me to my husband. She's an all-around literary sistah.
  • Lisa C
    New friend with a cool mama blog.
  • Heather Diane Tipton
    Heather is a virtual assistant for authors, a writer and a faithful friend. She gets around here as much as he can.
  • Misha
    A journal of a Canadian English student. Writings and more.
  • Kimber
    Kimber won MADE OF HONOR on the first blog tour and she's been around ever since. And we're glad. :)
  • Bonnie Calhoun
    Bonnie is a frequent commenter, member of ACFW, writer and avid book blogger.
  • Pammer
    Pammer is a dear I met on the Steeple Hill boards and at ACFW conference. She writes faith-based intrigue and hangs out here frequently.
  • Donielle
    Music, books, life and faith. Donni is a writer.
  • Camy Tang
    Asian chick lit author with a great sense of humor. Runs Story Sensei critique service.

« Prisoner of Hope: Megan DiMaria | Main | Down the Tubes »

December 08, 2005


Camy Tang

Way cool, Mary!

Heather Diane Tipton


Heather Diane Tipton

I have a camera phone! I need to go look! LOL

Bonnie Calhoun

I don't have a camera phone but I've got a digital camera. If I can get out in the blizzard!


I just ordered mine. I'm very excited for you. Congrats!

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