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April 22, 2010


Joy Filipovic

Hi Camy!
If you need recipe with beets, let me know. My friend shared Russian borscht recipe, beet stew with chicken ( not the classic one but an improvised version.) And I can recommend it 100%.

Soooo, yummy! Just buzz on my wall on FB if you're interested.
Cheers! - Joy

Camy Tang

Thanks Joy! I just left a message for you on your FB wall!


In Turkey and the Middle East, parsley is not just a garnish, it's a vegetable! And since I live in Turkey, a few things come to mind:

1. Use flat-leaf parsley. The curly stuff really isn't good for much more than a garnish.

2. There's always tabbouleh, a bulgur salad with tomatoes and parsley. Use fine bulgur, soak it (it doesn't need cooking) in water to cover. After it's plumped up, add an equal amount of chopped parsley or even more. Lots of adapted recipes call for less parsley but the best tabbouleh has lots. Add a chopped tomato, enough lemon juice to get it tangy the way you want, olive oil, and salt to taste.

3. Parsley Mücver - I always eyeball this, so measurements are approximate. Finely chop a couple big bunches of flatleaf parsley. Add a bunch or two of green onions, mix in. Add an egg or two, enough to wet the mixture well, then flour to get it to around pancake batter consistency. Add salt and black pepper to taste, and drop by spoonfulls onto a hot griddle and spread. Turn when browned on one side, drain. You can also add other herbs - chives, dill, cilantro, mint, arugula, be creative - and some chopped walnuts. Then you have what Iranians call "kookoo-ye sabzi." To really make it Iranian, add a bit of saffron to the mix, and if you like, some "zeresh" - dried barberries. They give great tangy bursts.

Turks generally eat mücver with a side of yogurt.


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