Camy here! My dog Snickers has been getting lots of love yesterday and today because she went for her yearly vet appointment. She got poked and prodded (and was not very polite about it, to my mortification) and also got a slew of vaccines.
She’s a bit tired after all the “excitement” and maybe from the vaccines, and she’s been very clingy today, always coming to my office and leaning against me. My dog is very much like a cat, come to think of it.
I never had cats growing up because I and my family were allergic to them, but my brother and I would play with any of the stray neighborhood cats we happened to see. My parents hated the strays because they pooped in the backyard and it really smelled rank, so I couldn’t blame my parents for not liking them (especially because my poor Dad had to be the one to pick up the poop right quick to prevent our dog from snacking). But for us kids, the cats were fun to stroke if they let us near them. Their fur felt very different from our poodle.
I’ve had friends who had cats and they’re still nice to stroke but they seem to know that I’m not familiar with cats and I don’t think I stroke them correctly. I’ve been startled to be scratched a few times. I’d really rather have a dog who makes his displeasure obvious with a few lip curls and growling before he bites.
So how about you? Are you a cat or a dog person? And are there any tips for how to pet a cat? Are they all moody?
Camy Tang lives in San Jose, California. She previously worked in biology research, she is a staff worker for her church youth group, and she runs the Story Sensei critique service. Her humorous romance, Single Sashimi, and her romantic suspense, Deadly Intent, are both out now. She also gives away Christian fiction on her blog and her newsletter YahooGroup.
I'm more of a cat person, but I learned to love dogs after my brother adopted our dog. :) I like them equally now, but if I had a choice, I'd get a cat since they're lower maintenance. At least...I think so. :D
Posted by: Tina | March 25, 2010 at 04:28 AM
I like - and have - both. Tina's right - cat's are lower maintenance. You can leave them with a box and some food for a few days and they're fine, unlike a dog. As far as petting cats goes, just take it slow and let them get comfortable with you first. They might get spooked if you move in too fast. If a cat rubs up against you, then it's probably safe to pet it. Just like people (and dogs) some are quicker to get friendly than others.
Posted by: Carrie | March 25, 2010 at 06:20 AM
I think I'm more of a cat person, even though I now have a dog named Snoopy. (Yes, she looks just like the dog from Peanuts -- white with black ears and a big black spot on her back -- except she's a girl!) She's sweet and fun and rather needy. I think dogs are needier than cats.
I also have three cats. One of them, Smokie, is my baby! She sleeps on a pillow by my head every night (she's not spoiled!) and gets very excited when I spend a day at home with her.
And, Camy, I think one of the secrets to petting a cat is to let them sniff your hand first. Not sure what they tell by the sniff, but if they approve of you, they will usually then submit to some stroking. Of course, if the sniff reveals that you're a dog person, they may go the other way!
Posted by: Suzanne Krein | March 25, 2010 at 09:48 AM
I have only ever owned dogs, but I have been around cats a lot. I think I'm more of a dog person, but I enjoy cats too.
I don't know why this is, but all the short-haired cats I've known are more unfriendly and more likely to scratch, while the long-haired cats I've known have begged me for attention. So, the long shot of this is, I guess, that if I ever get a cat it'll be a long-haired one. I want a black one with green eyes and I'll call it Jinx, lol.
Posted by: Sasafras | March 25, 2010 at 11:40 AM
Tina, very true! Cats are way lower maintenance!
Carrie--Thanks! That's great advice!
Suzanne, I have tried the sniffing since you have to do that with dogs, too, but I think I pet them wrong somehow because I'll get scratched after that. :(
Sasafras, I think you're right! The friendliest cats I've known have been all long-haired. The best one was a Persian named Valentino.
Posted by: Camy Tang | March 26, 2010 at 02:02 AM
I'm definitely more of a dog person. I know this as I sit here, typing, and sit hear cringing as the cat I am currently babysitting licks it paws! The slurping sound is like nails on a chalk board to me! I can somehow handle a dogs panting with no problem though. Fun post!
Posted by: lynn | April 08, 2010 at 07:00 PM
Cats make a sound when they lick their paws? I didn't know that!
Posted by: Camy Tang | April 08, 2010 at 10:47 PM