Camy here! Recently I’ve been working on my personal style.
This has mostly been instigated by the book, Women, Work, and the Art of Savoir Faire by Mireille Guiliano, the author of the book French Women Don’t Get Fat (which I loved).
Mireille’s Savoir Faire book is mostly for businesswomen, but I’ve found it useful to help me understand how to present myself in my work and create a stronger impression. Not all of it is applicable to me, but it’s mostly pretty useful.
The first thing I did was get my hair cut and styled, and while I like how it looks now, in order for it to look that good every day, I have to spend TWENTY MINUTES DOING MY HAIR. For a wash-and-go girl, this is torture.
So, I don’t do my hair every day, just the days when I have to see more people than my husband and the mailman.
I’m also experimenting with different perfumes to figure out what I like. I took a poll on Twitter a while ago and got some suggestions. I’m intending to go stalk the counters at Nordstrom’s and Macy’s to nab some free samples.
I’ve also been looking at my wardrobe, and realizing that a lot of what I have has been influenced by my husband and my mother.
My husband’s taste is a bit bland. My mother’s isn’t bad, but just different.
I am realizing that I like frilly. I like PINK. I like French style.
So I have culled tops from my wardrobe that I don’t absolutely love and donated them to Salvation Army. I have also gotten rid of any bottoms that don’t fit or that are too old, style-wise—I had several that were 10 years old, when waists were higher than they are now.
My closet is still depressingly FULL, but at least it’s not overflowing. :)
So now I’m on the lookout for tops that will be my own style—things that both appeal to me and don’t make me look fat. Oh, and which won’t make my husband walk on the other side of the street from me.
I’m also thinking of sprucing up some old, plain tops with lace. Still thinking over that one.
So how about you? Ready for a fluffing up of your own personal style?
Camy Tang lives in San Jose, California. She previously worked in biology research, she is a staff worker for her church youth group, and she runs the Story Sensei critique service. Her humorous romance, Single Sashimi, and her romantic suspense, Deadly Intent, are both out now. She also gives away Christian fiction on her blog and her newsletter YahooGroup.
One of the best things I've ever done for myself was create a personal perfume. It wasn't very expensive, $20, and I LOVE the scents. I've done this several times over the last few years because my taste has changed or I want something for different occasions. I have a sassier, more woodsy perfume that I wear out on dates or when I'm in the mood for fun. If I want to create a more romantic mood for myself I'll wear the more romantic one. Perfume sooo goes with what you're trying to do for the day. It's an accessory to an outfit. :)
Posted by: Malia | December 10, 2009 at 03:47 AM
Hey that's a great idea! Thanks, Malia!
Posted by: Camy Tang | December 10, 2009 at 03:55 AM
Timely post. I realize since I stopped working last year I do not dress as professionally as I used to, spending most of my time in jeans. Have also been trying new hair style but don't like what I got so will keep trying to find something that is attractive for a 63 year old woman who doesn't want to look her age.
Thanks for the prodding to improve.
Posted by: Diane Shaw | December 10, 2009 at 08:33 AM
I realize I do not belong on this page, but I always love reading what Camy Tang writes, because she cracks me up.
Posted by: Phil Staudt | December 10, 2009 at 09:39 AM
I'm always changing my hairstyles and I've wondered if it is to make ME feel good. It's not as costly as buying a new wardrobe and not as hard as losing weight! lol
Posted by: Sherrinda | December 10, 2009 at 04:44 PM
Diane, the best thing I did was ask the advice of a professional hair stylist who understood what my hair would naturally do (flip up once cut to a certain length) and what would look good with my face shape. The style she suggested looks so much better than anything I tried before!
Phil--LOL Thanks! You're always welcome here!
Sherrinda--that's a good point! My new hairstyle really does make me feel good!
Posted by: Camy Tang | December 10, 2009 at 05:35 PM
So where are the pics of this new do? ;)No matter how I cut my hair, it always looks pretty much the same. Give or take a little volume!
Posted by: Gina | December 15, 2009 at 10:12 PM
I'll get pics up eventually, maybe after Christmas? I haven't actually had my pic taken yet with my new haircut styled.
Posted by: Camy Tang | December 16, 2009 at 06:07 AM