Camy here, and yes, I'm crazy for even thinking about Christmas in August. But there ya go.
The reason I'm thinking about it is because I was talking with my mom, and since I like to save money please my relatives by giving them hand-knitted gifts, I need to start early, so I asked Mom what to get for various family members.
The problem is that most of my family lives in Hawaii, with one uncle and aunt in Arizona. Neither place is conducive to knitted things since it rarely gets cold enough to need more than a light cardigan.
So what's a knitter to do????
Well, Grandma is getting a special afghan, a smaller and simpler version than the one I gave my parents last year. Aunty is getting socks, although I have to find a really cool green colorway since she likes the University of Hawaii 'Bows (big volleyball and football fan). Another aunty is getting a lace shawl.
(Already found a super cute {ahem} for my cousin's daughter, she's going to love it!)
But what to get for my parents???????
Do you have the same problem? I can never figure this out. Every year I rack my brains trying to come up with something nice. They have pretty much whatever they want, and any stuff they want but don't have, I can't afford to get them.
My dad is the worst. He tells me, "Don't get me anything." !!!!!
Ideas, anyone?
Camy Tang lives in San Jose, California. She previously worked in biology research, she is a staff worker for her church youth group, and she runs the Story Sensei critique service. Her humorous romance, Single Sashimi, and her romantic suspense, Deadly Intent, are both out now. She also gives away Christian fiction on her blog and her newsletter YahooGroup.
Maybe if there is some kind of food or drink they like especially, you could get them a special version of that. For instance, CHOCOLATE! There's like, bimonthly chocolate gift boxes you can order on and have sent to them. It's just an idea.
Oh, and I know I'm probably crazy (my family would say definitely), but, GO CHRISTMAS!!!!
Posted by: Sasafras | August 27, 2009 at 11:53 AM
Thanks, Sasafras! Actually, my aunty likes wine. Maybe I'll do that.
Posted by: Camy Tang | August 27, 2009 at 04:47 PM
Last year, I cleaned my mother's bathroom for her - including srubbing the walls. I also made about 10 dozen choclate rum balls by hand for the family. As I was leaving, I had a small bag of rum balls to take for myself and my mother asked me for them. I smiled as I handed them to her and she said "this was the best Christmas ever".
Posted by: Hazel Witherspoon | August 28, 2009 at 07:37 AM
I also like to give handmade gifts, and have the same fiber/fabric issues you do as the majority of my family lives in the desert or the tropics.
If you're still looking for knitting ideas, I've found lacy stuff works well: Shawls, scarves, belts. Also, items for household use can be good, too, such as: throws, table runners or dresser covers, pillows, etc. For more practically-minded people on your list, you can even make things like dishcloth sets, reusable market bags, and sun hats.
Posted by: Amy @ Experience Imagination | August 28, 2009 at 01:29 PM
Thanks for the ideas, Amy! It sparked another--maybe knitted rugs or mats!
Posted by: Camy Tang | August 28, 2009 at 05:55 PM
Hazel--YUM! Rum balls! I'm not sure I could ship them to family, though...
Posted by: Camy Tang | August 28, 2009 at 05:55 PM