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August 26, 2009



Maybe if there is some kind of food or drink they like especially, you could get them a special version of that. For instance, CHOCOLATE! There's like, bimonthly chocolate gift boxes you can order on QVC.com and have sent to them. It's just an idea.

Oh, and I know I'm probably crazy (my family would say definitely), but, GO CHRISTMAS!!!!


Camy Tang

Thanks, Sasafras! Actually, my aunty likes wine. Maybe I'll do that.

Hazel Witherspoon

Last year, I cleaned my mother's bathroom for her - including srubbing the walls. I also made about 10 dozen choclate rum balls by hand for the family. As I was leaving, I had a small bag of rum balls to take for myself and my mother asked me for them. I smiled as I handed them to her and she said "this was the best Christmas ever".

Amy @ Experience Imagination

I also like to give handmade gifts, and have the same fiber/fabric issues you do as the majority of my family lives in the desert or the tropics.

If you're still looking for knitting ideas, I've found lacy stuff works well: Shawls, scarves, belts. Also, items for household use can be good, too, such as: throws, table runners or dresser covers, pillows, etc. For more practically-minded people on your list, you can even make things like dishcloth sets, reusable market bags, and sun hats.

Camy Tang

Thanks for the ideas, Amy! It sparked another--maybe knitted rugs or mats!

Camy Tang

Hazel--YUM! Rum balls! I'm not sure I could ship them to family, though...

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