I'm taking a financial workshop through Crowne Ministries. This past week, we talked about the importance of giving--not only to the church, but to the poor. We read verses like Deuteronomy 15:7, which says, "If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the LORD your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother."
As we were talking, I realized how hardened my heart has become to the poor. In fact, my heart often feels so hard that I know I can't soften it on my own.
I realized part of the reason I feel this way is because I'm being judgmental. I got tired of seeing the so-called poor walking around with cellphones while wearing $100 shoes. That's not poor. I mean, the poor in the United States are richer than most of the people in the world.
Or have you ever taken Christmas gifts to a needy family, only to walk into their house and see a flat screen TV, a Playstation, an X Box and a Wii? I don't even have those things.
But it's not for me to judge. At the same time, I don't know quite how to stop judging. And when I give, I don't want to do so with the wrong spirit.
I've been talking with the Lord a lot since that Bible study, asking him to work on my heart. The Christmas season is approaching, and I know there people out there in need.
So, this Christmas my Life Group is going to adopt a family from the community and provide Christmas for them. I know with prayer that God can change my heart and make it new. He can remind me about the joy of giving.
Christy Barritt is the author of HAZARDOUS DUTY and SUSPICIOUS MINDS, chick-lit mysteries about a flip-flop wearing, music-quoting crime scene cleaner who sticks her nose into police investigations. For more information, visit: www.christybarritt.com. Help to save the series by buying a book... win a gift certificate in the process! Visit my blog for details: http://myblog4fun.com/cbarritt.