I am getting in touch with my feminine side.
Not that I never had it, but I always used to equate “feminine” with “skinny and pretty.” And since I was never skinny, nor will my face launch a thousand ships, I felt a little depressed that I wasn’t really “feminine.”
Well, no more, chickie-babe!
I am (or rather, God is) renewing my mind. Now, for me, “feminine” is starting to mean “whatever makes me feel good to be a girl.”
That doesn’t mean my “tomboy” side is being ignored. I rather like some of my tomboyish ways.
But my feminine side is getting a makeover.
I am collecting things around myself that make me feel feminine: a rose in a funky blue vase, a crystal bowl full of M&Ms, my bright pink Dooney and Bourke handbag (that I got for a STEAL at Marshall’s or TJMaxx or somewhere like that), and more recently, knitted lace.
Yup, I have gone old school. I’m knitting lace scarves and shawls with fine lace-weight merino wool yarn. It’s soft and delicate and the finished lace looks fabulous even though I’ve made lots of mistakes.
It makes me feel almost Victorian, I tell you! Here’s my unfinished project:
I am SO proud of myself! The part you see has taken me MONTHS. I still have a few more inches left and then I’ll block it (wet it and stretch it out to dry that way) so that it’ll be about 20 inches wide and 78 inches long.
So what about you? What brings out your natural woman?
Camy Tang
lives in San Jose, California. She previously worked in biology research,
and she is a staff worker for her church youth group. She runs the Story Sensei critique service, and her new Asian chick lit novel, Only Uni, just released this month. Join her newsletter YahooGroup for monthly Christian fiction giveaways!
I think it is beautiful!
Posted by: Melissa's Cozy Teacup | April 10, 2008 at 01:22 PM
Though I'm usually wearing warm-up pants or jeans, I love skirts. Big full skirts that twirl. And my husband took me shopping last night for shoes. When he came home for lunch today, I was in my closet wearing my bathrobe and my new shoes--just looking at my feet. He was like, "What are you doing?" I was being a girl;)
Way to embrace your feminine side. I'm very impressed with the knitting. But, you should definitely try shoe shopping, too.
Posted by: Angela Meuser | April 10, 2008 at 03:34 PM
That's gorgeous, Camy!
Posted by: Ginnie | April 14, 2008 at 05:36 AM