Camy here. I am not being serious today. I refuse. It’s too flippin’ cold to take anything serious here in Northern California.
And before I continue, I am fully aware there is snow in other parts of the world, but I’m really not in a state of mind to care. It’s too cold for my blood where I am right now, and that’s all I’m thinking about.
I spent most of yesterday freezing my petootie off in my home, despite the heater being on. I would have turned it higher, but I feel guilty turning the heat up when I’m the only one home. Plus the gas bill is already through the roof. And my 35-year-old house is already so poorly insulated that it wouldn’t make much of a difference.
And come to think of it, it’s California. Who the heck installs a heavy-duty heater in California? Maybe in Maine or Alaska. Not in California. So I’m putzing by with my dinky heater spewing out more noise than heat.
I was so cold that I spent way more time than I should have at knitting a wool poncho for myself. I was going to save it for wearing to church, but I might just walk around the house with it on if this weather annoys me even an iota more.
I guess a positive side to the weather is that I made a great new receipe yesterday—Minnesota wild rice soup. I added some extras to it—more butter, less cream, a dash of white wine, more carrots, celery and onions, plus a little brown rice to the wild rice, and some blanched chopped kale that gave the soup good texture. Very yummy. Mucho thanks to Sharon Hinck for the original recipe. Even my husband, Captain Caffeine, liked it.
Currently, I am at my computer with five layers on—yes, five. Bra, T-shirt, long sleeved shirt, sweatshirt, and fleece vest. I also have two candles going and my office door is closed to keep in the fire hazard and the heat.
Captain Caffeine is keeping his blood pumping by watching mixed martial arts on Spike TV. That’s a little too extreme for me.
Oh all right, all right. How cold is it where you are? Make me envious with your industrial-strength central heating system and well-insulated walls. Make me weep with jealousy at your thermal underwear (I’m knitting myself a pair next, I swear) and super-duper microfiber comforter that withstands temperatures down to -20 degrees.
I will continue to try to type with frozen fingers.
Camy Tang
lives in San Jose, California. She previously worked in biology research,
and she is a staff worker for her church youth group. She runs the Story Sensei critique service, and her next Asian chick lit novel, Only Uni, releases in February.
It is currently 27 degrees here in Fort Worth.
Posted by: Timothy Fish | January 24, 2008 at 09:30 AM
You poor thing! In Oregon people run around in shorts in the cold as long as the sun is out! LOL It's been in the 20's at night, but rises to a whoppin' 40 by mid day. Drink something warm - it'll help.
Posted by: Patty | January 24, 2008 at 11:54 AM
You poor thing! In Oregon people run around in shorts in the cold as long as the sun is out! LOL It's been in the 20's at night, but rises to a whoppin' 40 by mid day. Drink something warm - it'll help.
Posted by: Patty | January 24, 2008 at 11:55 AM
You are so funny! Believe it or not, it's been pretty cold here in North Florida. My Ohio blood must have thinned some because I haven't done very well with it either. LOL
Posted by: Marilynn | January 24, 2008 at 10:10 PM
I went out the other day THINKING it was 15, but I'd missed seeing the minus sign on our digital thermometer. When I came in griping that it felt cold, my hubby laughed. "Whaddaya expect - it's 15 below with 30 below windchills." Next time I'll peer at the thermometer a little more carefully before venturing out!
And I'm glad you loved the soup!
Posted by: Sharon Hinck | January 25, 2008 at 09:21 AM
It was 11 degrees at my house this morning. The HIGH was predicted to be in the 30's.
I'm always cold. I sleep with socks, flannel or fleece pants, shirt (occasionally long-sleeved), and a heating pad on my side of the bed.
I feel your pain...
Posted by: Beth | January 25, 2008 at 03:01 PM
Wow, Camy. I'm a few days behind, but it's been so cold here in Virginia that I've had to scrape my windows 4 times since October! :-) My husband scraped the window another time. I'm so enjoying the fun and faith-based stuff that all of you write. Peace and love!
Posted by: Nedra | January 28, 2008 at 10:15 AM
Snort snort.
Tina in Colorado
Posted by: Tina | January 28, 2008 at 10:12 PM