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January 24, 2008


Timothy Fish

It is currently 27 degrees here in Fort Worth.


You poor thing! In Oregon people run around in shorts in the cold as long as the sun is out! LOL It's been in the 20's at night, but rises to a whoppin' 40 by mid day. Drink something warm - it'll help.


You poor thing! In Oregon people run around in shorts in the cold as long as the sun is out! LOL It's been in the 20's at night, but rises to a whoppin' 40 by mid day. Drink something warm - it'll help.



You are so funny! Believe it or not, it's been pretty cold here in North Florida. My Ohio blood must have thinned some because I haven't done very well with it either. LOL

Sharon Hinck

I went out the other day THINKING it was 15, but I'd missed seeing the minus sign on our digital thermometer. When I came in griping that it felt cold, my hubby laughed. "Whaddaya expect - it's 15 below with 30 below windchills." Next time I'll peer at the thermometer a little more carefully before venturing out!

And I'm glad you loved the soup!


It was 11 degrees at my house this morning. The HIGH was predicted to be in the 30's.

I'm always cold. I sleep with socks, flannel or fleece pants, shirt (occasionally long-sleeved), and a heating pad on my side of the bed.

I feel your pain...


Wow, Camy. I'm a few days behind, but it's been so cold here in Virginia that I've had to scrape my windows 4 times since October! :-) My husband scraped the window another time. I'm so enjoying the fun and faith-based stuff that all of you write. Peace and love!


Snort snort.

Tina in Colorado

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